Monday, 8 November 2010

Another MND sufferer and myself have been discussing an exciting research opportunity with a leading MND specialist at Kings College Hospital. It is based on a 3 year study to try and discover a drug which can remove a protein which is believed to be the cause of motor neurone damage in 90 percent of MND cases. The research will use stem cell techniques to develop motor neurone cells from skin cells of 5 MND sufferers, including me and develop a drug which can successfully remove the protein. It is widely believed that the nature of motor neurones and the a prevailing toxic environment makes stem cell implanting is not an effective procedure, but using stem cells in the manner proposed could dramatically accelerate the discovery of an effective treatment.

However, this research needs up front funding for the 3 year period totalling £100,000. The other MND sufferer has already agreed to put £20,000 of personal funds in and I am prepared to contribute £10,000. So we need to raise at least £75k,. We have approached the MNDA and whilst they would in principle be prepared to contribute, they would not do so until the end of 2011. We all know that medical research is a slow process and we know that any success may not be soon enough for us, but the sooner we start the better and Kings could start as soon as 12 weeks after securing funds.

So to get to the point, we need funding. I am not looking for anyone to contribute personally because you have already generously donated on at least one occasion. What I would like you do is forward this email to any organisation who you think could make a contribution to the charity trust which will fund the research.

I appreciate that in the current climate, funds are tight and some of you with your own businesses know that any expenditure has to be carefully considered, but I hope that the possibility of being directly involved in curing this horrific disease will help organisations decide to contribute whatever they can.

For anyone who would like to have more details of the research before committing to making a donation, I am happy to provide documents from Professor Chris Shaw.

If you can help please email me on this address  

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